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Valentine's Day has historically been a day of love, so this year, our institution's  SRC Women's Commissioner used the occasion to spread happiness and love with the student body through an amicable project titled Love on the 14th.

The Women's Commissioner went above and beyond on Valentine's Day to make sure students knew how much their university community loved, cared for, and appreciated them. They planned the delivery of meals and other packages to students across the campus through careful preparation and coordination.

As the recipients opened their packages, grins spread across their faces, and the whole institution was filled with joy. Thanks to the considerate actions of the Women's Commissioner in the person of Miss Maud Asare, Valentine's Day for many students was changed from a potentially lonely day into a time of warmth and togetherness.

In addition to spreading love, the program sought to address some of the difficulties that students, particularly in these tough times, experience.

The provision of food items and essential packages can go a long way in easing the burden on students and ensuring their well-being.