The Chair, Distinguished Guests, SRC President, Executives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning, It is an absolute honor to welcome you all to this summit. Thank you in particular to those who have travelled literally far and near to be here.
Few months ago, I was duly sworn-in together with my colleagues as Electoral Commissioner. It was a memorable moment as there was no doubt that a lot was expected from us. We have no reason to fail you and therefore we CANNOT fail you.
I stand here before you all, to see a key program as the Leadership summit happen ahead of the next semester. Though we’re only months into the administration, I must admit I love my job already. This is because I am surrounded by bright brains to help achieve our vision.
We may not always see things from the same perspective, but I can assure you that if it is important to you, then it is important to us. We will listen, be respectful, be open minded and do everything we can to help attain our goals. It is our job to make a positive difference and organize a free and fair election.

The purpose of this program is to give students and prospective candidates or student leaders the best of grooming
moving forward. We have assembled experienced and prominent personalities to give as a holistic approach to leadership. It is my hope that we pay attention and learn a lot from today.
We are determined to continue to create a conducive atmosphere for the election season next semester.
I will close with this quote by the fictional character, Tyrian Lannister, of Game of Thrones, “A wise man once said that the true history of the world is the history of great conversations.”
With that, I ask you all to enjoy today’s conversations.
Thank you and may God bless us all.