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SRC General Secretary Hosts Groundbreaking LEVEL UP CONFERENCE

On 23rd March 2024, the College of Engineering Auditorium (Kumapley) hosted the eagerly awaited Level Up Conference, themed "Synergizing Communication, Penmanship, and Digital Skills." The conference remained a pivotal event for attendees seeking to enhance their communication abilities and digital proficiency.

The Level Up Conference was structured to address the convergence of communication, penmanship, and digital skills through various sessions:

Effective Communication Strategies: The keynote session, led by renowned speaker Berla Mundi, focused on equipping attendees with effective communication techniques vital for success in both personal and professional realms.
Penmanship Enhancement: This session aimed to provide insights and techniques for improving penmanship, encouraging attendees to explore penmanship improvement resources.
Digital Skills Mastery: Through interactive workshops and presentations, participants delved into the intricacies of digital literacy, including content creation, social media management, and online branding.
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Berla Mundi delivered an inspiring keynote address on effective communication strategies. Her insights empowered attendees to harness the power of communication to achieve their goals and foster meaningful connections.
Following Berla Mundi's keynote address, a lively question and answer session provided attendees with the opportunity to seek clarification and further insights on effective communication strategies. Berla Mundi graciously addressed queries, ensuring attendees left with a deeper understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, the Level Up Conference successfully empowered attendees to synergize their communication, penmanship, and digital skills. Berla Mundi's impactful keynote address on effective communication strategies served as a highlight of the event, leaving participants inspired and equipped with practical tools to navigate the digital age. The conference provided a valuable platform for learning, networking, and personal growth.
