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The Women's Commission organized a significant health-related program on the 20th of January 2024, themed 'Health Check Point.' This program aimed to raise awareness about cervical cancer among female students and provide essential health screenings. The event was meticulously planned to address the pressing need for cervical cancer awareness and to encourage proactive health management among the student population.
The cornerstone of the program was the comprehensive cervical cancer awareness campaign. Volunteers from the Women's Commission actively engaged with students across campus, visiting hall to hall to disseminate crucial information about cervical cancer. Through interactive sessions and informative materials, students were educated about the risks associated with cervical cancer, the importance of early detection, and the significance of regular screenings.

A pivotal aspect of the Health Check Point program was the provision of free health screenings conducted on the Royal Parade Grounds. Students were encouraged to participate in the screening process, which included vital health parameters such as blood pressure, pulse rate, blood group determination, and screenings for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B. This comprehensive screening initiative aimed to empower students with knowledge about their current health status and identify any potential health concerns early on.
In addition to cervical cancer awareness and health screenings, educational sessions were conducted to enlighten students on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Practical guidance on safe sexual practices, including the proper use of both female and male condoms, was provided to equip students with essential knowledge for maintaining their sexual health.
The Health Check Point program organized yielded significant outcomes and left a lasting impact on the student community. Some of the notable outcomes include:

  • Increased awareness about cervical cancer and the importance of regular screenings among female students.
  • Empowerment of students with knowledge about their health status through free health screenings.
  • Enhanced understanding of preventive measures against STIs and the promotion of safe sexual practices.
  • Strengthened collaboration and engagement within the campus community to address crucial health issues affecting students.

The program succeeded in fostering a culture of proactive health management among students, thereby contributing to the overall well-being and welfare of the student population.
In conclusion, the Health Check Point program organized by the Women's Commission emerged as a resounding success, effectively addressing the critical need for cervical cancer awareness and health screenings among female students. Through strategic outreach efforts, educational sessions, and free health screenings, the program succeeded in promoting health awareness, empowering students with essential knowledge, and fostering a culture of proactive health management within the campus community. Moving forward, continued initiatives and collaborative efforts are essential to sustain the momentum generated by this program and further promote students' health and well-being.