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Student's Academic Board

The Students' Academic Board chaired by the Vice President of the SRC  is one of the prominent boards under the Students Representative Council (SRC)-KNUST.
The  Academic Board sides with the University Academic Affairs in providing Academic support for students in their pursuit of academic excellence.
The Board advises the Students Representative Council on all Academic matters affecting students.

Also it is the responsibility of the board to conduct surveys on the nature of teaching, research and content of course, conduct of examination and the availability of books and equipment to students.

They consequently enable students to understand regulations and procedures in ways to getting their academic needs met.

The board provides opportunities for students to develop and enhance their academic skills by involving them in academic engagement activities, develop vacation training programs for students and supporting advocacy for students who may have personal in-class Academic issues.

The board is organized in a way that provides support to the student body at the various Colleges,Faculties, Departments, and the Halls in terms of; Academic Guidance and Counseling, Tutorials, Academic Debate contests, Mentorship Schemes and Academic Workshops.
The board looks forward to ensuring a conducive academic environment and also facilitating academic life on campus through its policies and plans.